Assemble the Bird Bot
Build the Bird Bot in twelve easy steps!
Written By: Cherie Tan


The Bird Bot is a beginner-friendly, flexible and low-cost robotic kit for the micro:bit. It's simple to set up, there's no need for numerous jumper wires, soldering, or a breadboard, just plug the included components into the headers built into the board!
In this guide, learn to assemble the Bird Bot in just twelve steps.
Complete this guide to quickly get started with the Bird Bot.
In this guide, learn to assemble the Bird Bot in just twelve steps.
Complete this guide to quickly get started with the Bird Bot.
The Bird Bot is a beginner-friendly robotic kit for the micro:bit. Everything you will need to get started is already included in the kit: an ultrasonic distance sensor, two LED modules, two continuous rotation servos, a battery pack, acrylic plates, wheels, a built-in micro:bit edge connector, and the Bird Bot board itself which simplifies everything; for example, in most DIY robotic projects, you'd usually need a motor controller, but all this is already built-in to the Bird Bot!
All the components can also be easily plugged into the headers without any jumper wires or breadboard. Each Bird Bot is lovingly manufactured in Australia.
In this guide, learn to assemble the Bird Bot in just twelve steps.
All the components can also be easily plugged into the headers without any jumper wires or breadboard. Each Bird Bot is lovingly manufactured in Australia.
In this guide, learn to assemble the Bird Bot in just twelve steps.

First, attach the L_LIGHTS module to L_LIGHTS on the Bird Bot.
Next, attach the R_LIGHTS module to R_LIGHTS.

Then, attach the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor to the four female headers next to the marking where it states ULTRASONIC on the Bird Bot.

Connect the battery pack to the JST port found on the Bird Bot.
We need to connect it to the Bird Bot first as attaching it later with acrylic plates already added will be tedious.

Now align the acrylic plates and secure them into place, they should pop into place.

Loop the female-ended jumper wires of one servo through the hole on the acrylic plate.
Repeat the previous step for the other servo.
Connect the right servo like so:
Brown - GND
Red - V+
Orange - P8
Brown - GND
Red - V+
Orange - P8
Then connect the left servo:
Brown - GND
Red - V+
Orange - P16
Brown - GND
Red - V+
Orange - P16

Using a small phillips head screwdriver, tighten the servo to the acrylic plates with the provided screws.

Next, attach a screw to a wheel as shown.
Do the same for the other wheel. This will secure them into place!

Insert the two larger black screws into the holes found near the P0 and P2 markings on the Bird Bot.
Slide the ball caster wheel to the back of the Bird Bot, and push down toward the screws as shown, they should simply pop into place.

Finally, attach the micro:bit on to the Bird Bot!
The side with the buttons and LED matrix should be facing outward as shown. There should also be two extra screws, an extra acrylic plate, and servo arms. While they aren't essential, keep them around just in case.
In the next guide, we will show you how to start programming the Bird Bot and get it to move, turn, and brake!